Yea so I just decided to give myself this title all on my own because I pulled up our blog and realized that I haven't written a post in FOREVER! (It's also because they won't let us blog at work anymore...boo!) So here I am, back to update all ya'll on the life of the Dixon family.
Mady has decided that she finally wants to start taking this walking thing seriously. Last Sunday, while preparing lunch at Chas' grandparents' house, we look over to find Miss Priss strutting her stuff all the way thru the kitchen. It was like a mad dash to pull out cameras and cell phones so we could all capture the moment but she was so dang cute! We have been staying at my parents' house this week while they are on vacation and she has been walking a good bit around the house, but she 3 4-legged friends that are constantly in her way. So I think that this week when we go home, she will really take off. I am so proud of her! She really is the best baby we could have ever asked for! ((PS - the picture at the top is of her walking on Sunday...it's blurry b/c I was trying to take it super fast before she decided to sit down))
As for me and Chas, we haven't been up to much of anything. I have been working and Chas is still staying home with Mady. I know he loves staying with his princess but I think he is ready to go to work. Last night, PCFCU got Jenny Martin with SouthernSavers.com to come and do a coupon workshop and it was AWESOME! I loved it! I had been trying to coupon before but I got very burnt out on it and finally just kinda gave up. I now feel confident that I can start again and make this fun. Also, saving some money would be nice too! If you have never heard of any of this, you definitely need to check out SOUTHERNSAVERS.COM!
Well I guess I should get off here and work on cleaning my parents' house but I will try to do better about blogging more often!Oh yea, if it's not too much to ask, I would really appreciate everyone's prayers right now as Chas and I have alot going on right now and alot of decisions to make. I would write more about this but I would be stuck here all night. Just please remember us when you are praying next. Thanks!!! Love you all!!