Madyson Taylor Dixon

Madyson Taylor Dixon

Sunday, September 26, 2010

we bleed garnet...

We still love our Gamecocks even though they blew a good game against Auburn tonight! So my main reason for posting these pics was for comparison. When did my baby grow up so much?? She is just growing like crazy! I'm so emotional about it lately. Tonight when I put her to bed, I didn't wanna lay her down. I just wanted to sit and rock her forever even though she doesn't need to be rocked to sleep. Oh well, I'm her mommy and I can do whatever I want, right? LoL...anyways... Good Game Gamecocks! Kenny is still smiling down on ya'll!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Mady,

Madyson Taylor,

I have so much I want to tell you and never enough time. You are now 18 months old and pushing 19 months. You have grown up way too fast and it only gets faster and faster every day. You are truly an amazing little girl. From the moment you were born, you took my breath away. I love you more than words could ever describe and it's love you will never know until you have your own children (which better be in a LONG LONG time!). It blows my mind how much you have grown and how much you have learned over the past year and half. You now say several words, walk, run, understand basic commands, and give kisses. You are extremely confident in yourself and completely steal people's hearts. Everyone you come in contact with, comments on how beautiful you are. You are well behaved most of the time but you do have your moments when you like to test us. It's ok though, because even though I'm not supposed to laugh, it's still cute. You are such a ham and love to have your picture taken. I guess it was inevitable seeing as how you had your very own paparazzi when you were born. We'll show you pictures of that one day! As of right now, I think you are momma's girl but I am completely prepared for that change before I know it and I'm ok with that. Your daddy and I strive to be the best parents we can be for you. We want you to grow up and know the Lord and know he loves you even more than your mommy and daddy could ever think of loving you and that's ALOT! I am so completely in love with you still to this day and it only gets stronger and stronger every day. There are times I lie awake at night wondering why God chose ME as YOUR mommy but I am sooo grateful for the opportunity. I will do everything in my power to love you, protect you, and guide you through your years. Always remember that Mommy is here for you when you want your paci, need something to eat, go to school on your first day, have your first date, then your first heartbreak, and as you leave for college. I will forever be your mommy and I will forever love you. But for now, at 18 months, I will continue to watch you grow and learn everyday.



Monday, September 20, 2010

18 Months...

18 months...18 months...I keep saying it over and over and still can't believe our "baby" girl really isn't a "baby" anymore and she's a t...tod...toddler! ((ok let me be for a minute)) now that I've gained myself back, yes our sweet girl is now pushing towards 2. I can't believe it. She is getting so big it absolutely amazes me. I guess I don't notice how much she grows because I see her everyday but today we went to the doctor for her 18 month well check up. She was exactly 25 lbs (50%) and 32 in (80%). I think the nurse was little off on her height because she did try to measure her twice and got 2 different numbers each time. Either way, it's a huge jump in the height because she has never been more than 50% in height. She's a petite little princess.

So anyway...guess what...for 18 months, here's 18 facts about Miss Priss herself:

1. She walks everywhere and is now running.

2. She is obsessed with shoes. She loves her crocs the most because she can actually put those on all by herself.

3. She has pee-peed in the potty a few times already. She likes the walk into the bathroom, take her diaper off, and wait for someone to put her on the potty. lol

4. She now says MaMa, DaDa, NaNa, PaPa, MiMi, Poppa, Ball, Baby, Cheese, Tree, Mady, Hey, Bye, Nite Nite, No No, and several more than I'm sure I'm forgetting.

5. She is extremely smart and listens to simple commands like "Go get your cup" or "Where's your paci?"

6. She is in a size 4 diaper still and I think will be until she IS 4...ok not really b/c she will be potty trained soon.

7. She loves to ride in the she doesn't wanna get OUT of her car seat when we arrive home.

8. She still loves to be outside and it's a throwdown to get her inside.

9. She is a mama's girl right now but she definitely has her "dada" moments.

10. She is a camera ham. She loves to have her picture taken and says cheese usually before you can even turn the camera on.

11. She is still sleeping from about 8:30 at night until 9 or so in the morning. (yesssss) :)

12. She loves her baby dolls and will rock them, pat them, feed them, etc.

13. She will go and get a diaper when she needs to be changed and generally lay down on the floor. (I say "generally" b/c at times she likes to just play with her diaper)

14. She still wears alot of 12 month clothes but is now starting to push more towards actually wearing 18 months.

15. She wears probably a 4 in shoes and that's ONLY because her feet are fat...not long. lol

16. She is still obsessed with her MiMi and probably always be. MiMi is #1 in her book if she's around. She will throw out when MiMi leaves.

17. She likes to hum twinkle twinkle little star before she goes to sleep at night.

18. She is still a diva and a complete princess and she knows she is the CUTEST thing to ever walk this earth!! :)

Yea, I'm a completely proud mama and the doctor said she is doing absolutely wonderful. She still stays home with Chas most days. We might start thinking about finding a "school" for her to go to a couple days a week but we will see.

And just because this was too long to not have pictures...

Miss Priss? I think so...

By the way, the previous 2 dresses were made by a long time friend of mine, Jordin Clamp (E-squared Creations). She does amazing work. She makes things for little girls AND little boys. You should totally check her out on Facebook. ((I was trying to post the link to her page but my computer isn't allowing me to right now...oh well!))

Anyway, I hope you all have a great week and say a prayer for us and our car situation.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Sleeper Mady is a sleeper. I swear the Lord knew what he was doing by giving me a child that loves to sleep b/c neither me nor Mady are morning people. She has been sleeping through the night since she was about 2 months old. I've had several people asking me lately if I had any secrets and I really don't but I thought I would share our night time routine. Maybe this will provide some of you with some ideas you had not thought of yet.

1. Bath time! - Mady gets a bath EVERY single night with lavender shampoo and baby wash. We don't like to skip this step.

2. Lotion - I immediately take Mady into her room and rub her down in lavender lotion. She is almost like a little greased piglet when I get done but she smells so good and I swear it helps her sleep.

3. Milk - She drinks a sippy cup of milk right before bed. Usually she does this while sitting in my lap with her "bankie". which leads me to....

4. The "Bankie" - this is a God-send. She loves her bankie. No matter if it's 105 degrees outside, she always has her "bankie". One piece of advice: always have more than 1. We have just recently found a second one for Mady, thank the Lord. It's a security thing for her.

5. Paci - Mady loves her paci and she pretty much only needs it at night or when she isn't feeling good. The other trick we have here is that we have lots of extra pacis in her crib. The reason for this is that if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she can easily reach out and grab one and fall right back asleep. I would hate walking in there every couple of hours just to put a paci back in her mouth.

6. Lullaby Baby - We also rock Mady for a couple minutes while singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Jesus Loves Me. After singing these, we lay her down and usually she will hum the songs until she falls asleep.

Mady goes to bed every night between 8 and 8:30 and sleeps til about 9 or so the following morning. She hates to be woken up and she is definitely not a morning person. These techniques are what we have evolved over the months and it proves to be effective for us. I personally believe that babies operate best on routine but as any parent knows, you have to adjust things to suit your own child b/c they are all so different.

Happy Sleeping!


We are learning to pee on the potty...

...learning to climb stairs alone...

...and enjoying Summer!