I failed to mention in the previous post but today, our "baby" girl is 20 MONTHS! I mean can someone please tell me where all the time is going?!? At every stage I think its the best stage yet but it really does get better and better every single day! She is so smart and amazing and utterly beautiful that I thank my God above every day for giving me the opportunity to be the mommy to this sweet girl! I'm so in love with her its unbelievable! For 20 months, here is 20 of her favorite words:
1. Bell-Bell
2. "Money" (mommy)
3. Daddy
4. "Ri-eee" (riley)
5. "Buh-eee" (buddy)
6. Bite
7. Milk
8. More
9. Nite-Nite
11. Poppa
(and YES she does know the difference between these 2...Papa - my daddy and Poppa - Chuck)
12. Mimi
13. "Peees" (please)
14. "Guh Gir" (good girl)
15. Juice
16. Cookie
17. Heeeeeyyyyy
18. Paci
19. Bye Bye
And our favorite of all....
20. "Ra oli oli ol" (ravioli)
She does say lots more words than this but these are probably the ones she uses most often! She is learning more and more every day and it's really hard to keep up with everything she can say!
Madyson Taylor Dixon

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Just Because...
She is the cutest thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!

(By the way, this is pudding that her Aunt "Car-ree" let her eat all by herself! I couldn't help but laugh though because she was seriously loving it!)
It's a "Money"/Mady weekend this coming up weekend as Chas is going to stay with some friends and go hunting all weekend! And Nana and Papa will be in Florida for the BIG GAME! We do have plans to go to Jackson's 2nd birthday party but other than that, I have no clue what we are gonna do! I guess we will just fly by the seat of our pants :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wow...I haven't written in a while once again! I'm getting slacker and slacker by the day! BUT, in my defense, I have been CRAZY busy with school and work and Mady and everything else in between! But hey I did choose to go to school so I have learned to deal with all the craziness and this first semester is almost over! I can't believe I have made it!
So anyways, to catch everyone up on what we have been up to. And of course, first things first, MADY :) Mady is growing like a weed. I think I say this every post but she really is. It is absolutely crazy how fast time flies when you have your own child! She is amazing though! She will 20 months in 4 days on the 10th, which I think I am more emotional about than ever. She will be out of the "teen" months and pushing ever so close to age 2! She is really not a BABY anymore but she will ALWAYS be my little baby girl! She is talking all the time now. She can say so many things that I can't even keep up with her including: Mama, Mommy ("money"), Daddy, Mimi, Poppa, Pa Pa (yes she knows the difference between these 2!), Nana, Gigi, Tea, Juice, Milk, Cheese, Please, Thank you, Hey, Bye, Carly, Kota, Buddy, Riley, and tons tons more. But her personal favorite is "Bell-Bell" and my personal favorite is "Ra-oli-oli-ol" (ravioli)...LOL! Like I said, she can say tons more than just that but I'm just still tired and don't feel like thinking about the rest of them! haha...Anyways, she still has the bluest eyes ever just like her Daddy and Mimi and she has blonde hair. Her hair is finally starting to grow longer and I can't wait for it to get long so I can play with it :) She is still tiny for her age and barely wears 18 month clothes. I am just absolutely in love with her short little self!
As for the past couple weeks, like I said, we have been busy. Hunting season is back in full swing so that's where Chas stays FULL TIME! I, myself, am staying busy with school, however, I think it's paying off because I have all A's!
We have been doing several things including watching football games with my BFF and her family, attending Bell-Bell's 2nd birthday party, Mady went to Boo at the Zoo, we did Halloween with Carly and her family, and then a car wreck.
Ok Let me explain, Chas and Mady were leaving Winnsboro to come to Lexington when 2 deer jumped out in front of him causing him to run off the road, thru a ditch, and into a barbed wire fence and some wooden posts. The car was completely totalled but my 2 babies walked away from the accident with not even a scratch or a bruise. I am so thankful to God to keeping his hands on them and keeping them safe. Because if you saw the car, you would wonder also how the heck they are ok. Much less, how the car didn't flip when it hit the ditch is beyond me. All I know is God was looking out for them. I was extremely emotional about it when it happened and I still do get pretty upset just thinking about it but I am trying to remember that everything is in God's plan and we are all gonna make it. I mean He wouldn't have kept my babies safe had He not had a greater plan in mind. I'm still wondering what that plan is but I feel God is trying to show it to me. I am trying to get better and better with listening to Him. But again, pray to God for the thanks for keeping my family safe but most of all say a prayer that everything in God's plan be shown to us from here.
Anyways, Sorry this is a long post with no pictures...because I'm a slacker like I told ya and haven't taken many pictures at all lately of Mady. I have got to do better! Today is gameday and Carolina is playing Arkansas and we are hoping for a big win! We plan to go to Carly's house tonight and have chili and watch the game. As for now, I need to quit procrastinating and get back to my homework.......
So anyways, to catch everyone up on what we have been up to. And of course, first things first, MADY :) Mady is growing like a weed. I think I say this every post but she really is. It is absolutely crazy how fast time flies when you have your own child! She is amazing though! She will 20 months in 4 days on the 10th, which I think I am more emotional about than ever. She will be out of the "teen" months and pushing ever so close to age 2! She is really not a BABY anymore but she will ALWAYS be my little baby girl! She is talking all the time now. She can say so many things that I can't even keep up with her including: Mama, Mommy ("money"), Daddy, Mimi, Poppa, Pa Pa (yes she knows the difference between these 2!), Nana, Gigi, Tea, Juice, Milk, Cheese, Please, Thank you, Hey, Bye, Carly, Kota, Buddy, Riley, and tons tons more. But her personal favorite is "Bell-Bell" and my personal favorite is "Ra-oli-oli-ol" (ravioli)...LOL! Like I said, she can say tons more than just that but I'm just still tired and don't feel like thinking about the rest of them! haha...Anyways, she still has the bluest eyes ever just like her Daddy and Mimi and she has blonde hair. Her hair is finally starting to grow longer and I can't wait for it to get long so I can play with it :) She is still tiny for her age and barely wears 18 month clothes. I am just absolutely in love with her short little self!
As for the past couple weeks, like I said, we have been busy. Hunting season is back in full swing so that's where Chas stays FULL TIME! I, myself, am staying busy with school, however, I think it's paying off because I have all A's!
We have been doing several things including watching football games with my BFF and her family, attending Bell-Bell's 2nd birthday party, Mady went to Boo at the Zoo, we did Halloween with Carly and her family, and then a car wreck.
Ok Let me explain, Chas and Mady were leaving Winnsboro to come to Lexington when 2 deer jumped out in front of him causing him to run off the road, thru a ditch, and into a barbed wire fence and some wooden posts. The car was completely totalled but my 2 babies walked away from the accident with not even a scratch or a bruise. I am so thankful to God to keeping his hands on them and keeping them safe. Because if you saw the car, you would wonder also how the heck they are ok. Much less, how the car didn't flip when it hit the ditch is beyond me. All I know is God was looking out for them. I was extremely emotional about it when it happened and I still do get pretty upset just thinking about it but I am trying to remember that everything is in God's plan and we are all gonna make it. I mean He wouldn't have kept my babies safe had He not had a greater plan in mind. I'm still wondering what that plan is but I feel God is trying to show it to me. I am trying to get better and better with listening to Him. But again, pray to God for the thanks for keeping my family safe but most of all say a prayer that everything in God's plan be shown to us from here.
Anyways, Sorry this is a long post with no pictures...because I'm a slacker like I told ya and haven't taken many pictures at all lately of Mady. I have got to do better! Today is gameday and Carolina is playing Arkansas and we are hoping for a big win! We plan to go to Carly's house tonight and have chili and watch the game. As for now, I need to quit procrastinating and get back to my homework.......
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