Happy Birthday to one of my oldest friends...my cousin Eric. Eric is 26 today. We are only 11 months apart and have always been great friends. He is there for me whenever I need him as I will always be there for him. He now dates one of my "sisters" I never had, Ashley and I am so proud of both of them for the people they have become! They were truly meant to be together. Anyways, Eric I hope you have a wonderful birthday today and I'm sure I will see you soon so we can celebrate! I LOVE YOU! :)
On another note, it's FRIDAY and it's going to be a great weekend. Tonight we are doing dinner with my family and my "other family" :) They are leaving to go on vacation tomorrow and of course they can't go that long without seeing their Mady-girl! Tomorrow and Sunday we have no definite plans but I think Chas wants to take Mady to see his sister since he hasn't seen her in forever and me and Mady have never met her. I don't know if this will involve meeting Chas' biological father also which is the only thing I am nervous about. Anyone who knows us, knows the situation with this. Well we shall see I guess. I'm praying to God to make the best of this.
"For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food. Let us discern for our ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good." - Job 34:3-4
Madyson Taylor Dixon

Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Great Weekend
This past weekend, my BFF Carly Bain and I drove to Charleston. When we got there on Saturday, we drove straight to the Market and shopped. We walked all over Market St. and King St. We got some neet things including letters that are actually pictures taken of various architectural designs that are shaped like the letters. I got the letters to spell out Dixon and she got the ones for her last name. They are really neat and aren't the typical junk you find in the Market. Now I just need to find a frame(s) for it! Anyways, after the Market, we went to Target for a little while and then decided to go find the house we were staying at (which is Carly's sister -in-law's grandmother's old house...if you understand all that). The house sat on the marsh and had an absolutely amazing view. If I could post pictures on here while at work I would. I really need to do that sometime. Well we decided to shower up and go out for dinner and such. We used our handy-dandy cell phones complete with Facebook to get suggestions from people. We ended up going to Southend Brewery and it was delicious. Afterwards, we just walked down East Bay Street and even went into a couple of bars. We were having alot of fun but our tired, party-pooping selves were ready to go to bed! haha :)
On Sunday, it was storming when we got up so we took our time getting ready and then ventured out to Folly Beach. This beach excursion lasted all of about 3 minutes b/c it was so windy we thought we were gonna blow away! We stayed out long enough to get a couple pictures and then back to the car we went! We headed back to the Market for some lunch and ended up deciding on Henry's. It was soooo good! We had bourbon pimento cheese for an appetizer and then buffalo chicken caesar wraps for lunch. They were sooo delicious! After lunch, we decided to walk our lunch off all the way to the Pottery Barn to see Mary Ann (Chas' cousin)! She was super busy at work but we did get to chat for a second. It was so nice to see her b/c it doesn't happen often enough!
We made the journey back to Lexington and I went straight to my grandma's b/c my uncle from PA was in town. It was nice to see him and just hang out with my family. I really have the best family ever and I am so sooo blessed! Well there's the recap of the weekend that you were all waiting so patiently for! Have a good Tuesday and remember:
"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all you ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn away from evil." - Proverbs 3:5-7
On Sunday, it was storming when we got up so we took our time getting ready and then ventured out to Folly Beach. This beach excursion lasted all of about 3 minutes b/c it was so windy we thought we were gonna blow away! We stayed out long enough to get a couple pictures and then back to the car we went! We headed back to the Market for some lunch and ended up deciding on Henry's. It was soooo good! We had bourbon pimento cheese for an appetizer and then buffalo chicken caesar wraps for lunch. They were sooo delicious! After lunch, we decided to walk our lunch off all the way to the Pottery Barn to see Mary Ann (Chas' cousin)! She was super busy at work but we did get to chat for a second. It was so nice to see her b/c it doesn't happen often enough!
We made the journey back to Lexington and I went straight to my grandma's b/c my uncle from PA was in town. It was nice to see him and just hang out with my family. I really have the best family ever and I am so sooo blessed! Well there's the recap of the weekend that you were all waiting so patiently for! Have a good Tuesday and remember:
"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all you ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn away from evil." - Proverbs 3:5-7
Friday, April 23, 2010
T minus 24 hours...
...until some much needed Girl Time takes place. My BFF Carly and I are going to Charleston tomorrow and coming back on Sunday and boy am I ready! We are both in desperate need of some girl time. We have no definite plans but we have a free place to stay so we are hitting the road! We plan to do some shopping, eat some sushi, relax and who knows what else!! Ahhh I'm so excited :) :) :)
Tonight, we are going over to eat dinner with my parents which will be good b/c there is nothing (and I mean NOTHING) that my dad cooks that isn't good. I think he is making baked fish tonight but we shall see! Apparently my Uncle Danny that lives in PA is coming to town this weekend so hopefully I will get to spend some time with him on Sunday when we get back from Charleston!
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
Tonight, we are going over to eat dinner with my parents which will be good b/c there is nothing (and I mean NOTHING) that my dad cooks that isn't good. I think he is making baked fish tonight but we shall see! Apparently my Uncle Danny that lives in PA is coming to town this weekend so hopefully I will get to spend some time with him on Sunday when we get back from Charleston!
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Best Life Ever :)
Super, Super funny. I find it so funny that people like to do the same things as me, Chas, and especially Mady. Mady is such a diva and princess that all the other babies wanna be just like her! They like to write about the same things, use the same photographers, get the same things, and even TRY to have the same friends. Some people really need to get their own life and quit trying to be like us. But in the mean time, we will just revel in the fact that we are made of just plain awesomeness. LoL...I really do have the best life ever :)
Sorry for offending anyone but I just thought I'd speak my mind...
On another note, It is a beautiful day annnddd it's one day closer to the weekend!! I'm so excited about having some girl time this weekend. I will miss my husband but it is definitely some much needed relaxation away from Columbia!
Sorry for offending anyone but I just thought I'd speak my mind...
On another note, It is a beautiful day annnddd it's one day closer to the weekend!! I'm so excited about having some girl time this weekend. I will miss my husband but it is definitely some much needed relaxation away from Columbia!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Baby Steps
Mady took her first REAL step all on her OWN last night!!! I was so excited but didn't wanna scream or clap or anything b/c I didn't want to scare her. She was playing in the kitchen while I was cleaning up dinner and pushed in the drawer that she was playing in. Well once she pushed it in, she stood there for about 15 seconds by herself and then took one step forward to grab onto the drawer again. Maybe this means she's getting closer to walking on her own. Who knows?! She seems to be taking forever to walk but that's ok b/c she has beyond excelled in other areas. She is sooo incredibly smart!
Other good news is that I have finished and submitted my application to go back to school and filled out my FAFSA form. I am so excited about this and hopefully I will be in school full-time come August! This time I have decided to go with Radiology and probably a minor in Physical Therapy Assistant. The main physical therapy assistant program has a wait of probably 2 years and I am at the point that I don't have the time to wait. I do plan to quit my job and just go to school and live off financial aide and grants. We will be living very sparingly but we can do it.
Other than that, not much else is going on. This weekend coming weekend, me and my BFF Carly are getting outta town for a night to have some girl time and relax. We both needed a break. Mady-Lou is still growing like crazy and learning new things every single minute it seems like. I hope everyone has a great day and God Bless!
Other good news is that I have finished and submitted my application to go back to school and filled out my FAFSA form. I am so excited about this and hopefully I will be in school full-time come August! This time I have decided to go with Radiology and probably a minor in Physical Therapy Assistant. The main physical therapy assistant program has a wait of probably 2 years and I am at the point that I don't have the time to wait. I do plan to quit my job and just go to school and live off financial aide and grants. We will be living very sparingly but we can do it.
Other than that, not much else is going on. This weekend coming weekend, me and my BFF Carly are getting outta town for a night to have some girl time and relax. We both needed a break. Mady-Lou is still growing like crazy and learning new things every single minute it seems like. I hope everyone has a great day and God Bless!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I've Been SLACK!
I noticed I have been really slack about posting on here. I need to get better because I know all of you are DYING to know what's going on in our lives everyday! It's ok I'd wanna know too if I was ya'll! ;)
The past week has been pretty uneventful in our household besides just watching Mady grow. We are truly so blessed to have such an awesome child as her. She is sooo smart and funny and full of herself. She knows she is cute and she uses it to her advantage...already! She still hasn't fully started walking yet but she is alot like my brother and Chas who both didn't walk until 15 months. Besides, I am not rushing it because she is already into everything now and I know it will get worse when she can walk! I think her other reason for not walking is that she is spoiled and just gets held and carried everywhere that she has no need to walk! She's such a good baby though. She really never cries and she sleeps ALL the time. She is such a ham and LOVES to have her picture taken. She also talks 24/7 which I think she gets from her MiMi ;)
Other than that, we are all doing good. Chas is still staying home with Mady. They have so much fun together and she LOVES her "DaDa". She is also doing Your Baby Can Read and is learning alot I think. Chas seems to be doing alright, he hasn't had anymore seizures that I'm aware of so let's hope this keeps up. Your prayers are still needed though! As for myself, I'm doing well however I have decided that I need to finish my school (only 2 semesters left) ASAP and I am probably going to quit my job to do this full time. I love alot of the people I work with (not all of them though) and I would be sad to leave them, however I know I will still be friends with the important ones like my BFF Carly Bain. I am just tired of the repetition of the job. It's not me and it's not what I wanna do forever.
Anyways, this past weekend Mady stayed with her MiMi and Poppa like always and they took her to a car show and they said she was soooo good. We missed church Sunday morning b/c I'm a slacker and forgot to set my alarm so we didn't get Mady back until Sunday afternoon. Chas and I had our date night Saturday night and went and saw the movie Date Night. It was funny but definitely not the best movie I've ever seen. We then went and hung out with a bunch of friends afterwards and just chilled. It was alot of fun. We have the best friends ever! All in all it was a great weekend.
So yea this post wasn't about anything important...except Mady of course! But I just had to fill in everyone on our lives. I'll try to do better about posting but no promises! lol
Have a good day! :)
The past week has been pretty uneventful in our household besides just watching Mady grow. We are truly so blessed to have such an awesome child as her. She is sooo smart and funny and full of herself. She knows she is cute and she uses it to her advantage...already! She still hasn't fully started walking yet but she is alot like my brother and Chas who both didn't walk until 15 months. Besides, I am not rushing it because she is already into everything now and I know it will get worse when she can walk! I think her other reason for not walking is that she is spoiled and just gets held and carried everywhere that she has no need to walk! She's such a good baby though. She really never cries and she sleeps ALL the time. She is such a ham and LOVES to have her picture taken. She also talks 24/7 which I think she gets from her MiMi ;)
Other than that, we are all doing good. Chas is still staying home with Mady. They have so much fun together and she LOVES her "DaDa". She is also doing Your Baby Can Read and is learning alot I think. Chas seems to be doing alright, he hasn't had anymore seizures that I'm aware of so let's hope this keeps up. Your prayers are still needed though! As for myself, I'm doing well however I have decided that I need to finish my school (only 2 semesters left) ASAP and I am probably going to quit my job to do this full time. I love alot of the people I work with (not all of them though) and I would be sad to leave them, however I know I will still be friends with the important ones like my BFF Carly Bain. I am just tired of the repetition of the job. It's not me and it's not what I wanna do forever.
Anyways, this past weekend Mady stayed with her MiMi and Poppa like always and they took her to a car show and they said she was soooo good. We missed church Sunday morning b/c I'm a slacker and forgot to set my alarm so we didn't get Mady back until Sunday afternoon. Chas and I had our date night Saturday night and went and saw the movie Date Night. It was funny but definitely not the best movie I've ever seen. We then went and hung out with a bunch of friends afterwards and just chilled. It was alot of fun. We have the best friends ever! All in all it was a great weekend.
So yea this post wasn't about anything important...except Mady of course! But I just had to fill in everyone on our lives. I'll try to do better about posting but no promises! lol
Have a good day! :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It's been a week...
...since the last time I posted. For many reasons actually. This past week has been super super busy! I also have had ALOT going on. Some are things I couldn't really write or talk about without crying. There seems to be alot of things being thrown at me right now and it is truly showing me that I HAVE GOT to fully rely on God.
As I posted before, my grandma has dimensia which is weighing very heavily on me right now. We got to spend the day at the lake Saturday with them and had a blast having a fish fry, hunting easter eggs, and celebrating my Aunt's birthday. It was such a beautiful day outside.
Also, I need everyone and anyone that reads this to keep Chas in your prayers. He had 2 seizures this weekend, one of which was really bad. It was probably one of the scariest things I have ever experienced but in the end was a reality check for both of us. We have to get better about praying together and spending time with God also instead of just ourselves. Chas is fine right now but is definitely going to have to talk to the doctor. I love him so much and I would HATE if anything ever happened to him!
As always, I still can't stand my job. I am so tired of this place and the people here that it's not even funny. I need a new job so if anyone knows of anything at all, let me know!
I also have some other things bothering me that I can't really talk about on here because of who reads these things but I do have some people in my prayers...especially a certain someone. I think they are far from God and need to really find him. Forgiveness is the key to life and I am learning this the hard way but I really do pray for this person.
Anyways, we had a great Easter and Mady made LOTS of money in Easter eggs this year! It's good though because all her money goes to a special savings account for her college education one day! We spent the day Sunday watching the kids at church, sitting thru service, eating lunch with Chas' family, hunting Easter eggs with my family, and just hanging out. It was a busy day but we had blast spending so much time with our families...especially my cousin Shannon and her family. Her little girl Emily is so adorable and sweet! We are gonna try to travel up to Pennsylvania sometime in the near future to visit with them. Mady was such a good sport about everything this weekend...then again, she's always so good! I need to post pictures sometime soon!
Happy Tuesday! :)
As I posted before, my grandma has dimensia which is weighing very heavily on me right now. We got to spend the day at the lake Saturday with them and had a blast having a fish fry, hunting easter eggs, and celebrating my Aunt's birthday. It was such a beautiful day outside.
Also, I need everyone and anyone that reads this to keep Chas in your prayers. He had 2 seizures this weekend, one of which was really bad. It was probably one of the scariest things I have ever experienced but in the end was a reality check for both of us. We have to get better about praying together and spending time with God also instead of just ourselves. Chas is fine right now but is definitely going to have to talk to the doctor. I love him so much and I would HATE if anything ever happened to him!
As always, I still can't stand my job. I am so tired of this place and the people here that it's not even funny. I need a new job so if anyone knows of anything at all, let me know!
I also have some other things bothering me that I can't really talk about on here because of who reads these things but I do have some people in my prayers...especially a certain someone. I think they are far from God and need to really find him. Forgiveness is the key to life and I am learning this the hard way but I really do pray for this person.
Anyways, we had a great Easter and Mady made LOTS of money in Easter eggs this year! It's good though because all her money goes to a special savings account for her college education one day! We spent the day Sunday watching the kids at church, sitting thru service, eating lunch with Chas' family, hunting Easter eggs with my family, and just hanging out. It was a busy day but we had blast spending so much time with our families...especially my cousin Shannon and her family. Her little girl Emily is so adorable and sweet! We are gonna try to travel up to Pennsylvania sometime in the near future to visit with them. Mady was such a good sport about everything this weekend...then again, she's always so good! I need to post pictures sometime soon!
Happy Tuesday! :)
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