I noticed I have been really slack about posting on here. I need to get better because I know all of you are DYING to know what's going on in our lives everyday! It's ok I'd wanna know too if I was ya'll! ;)
The past week has been pretty uneventful in our household besides just watching Mady grow. We are truly so blessed to have such an awesome child as her. She is sooo smart and funny and full of herself. She knows she is cute and she uses it to her advantage...already! She still hasn't fully started walking yet but she is alot like my brother and Chas who both didn't walk until 15 months. Besides, I am not rushing it because she is already into everything now and I know it will get worse when she can walk! I think her other reason for not walking is that she is spoiled and just gets held and carried everywhere that she has no need to walk! She's such a good baby though. She really never cries and she sleeps ALL the time. She is such a ham and LOVES to have her picture taken. She also talks 24/7 which I think she gets from her MiMi ;)
Other than that, we are all doing good. Chas is still staying home with Mady. They have so much fun together and she LOVES her "DaDa". She is also doing Your Baby Can Read and is learning alot I think. Chas seems to be doing alright, he hasn't had anymore seizures that I'm aware of so let's hope this keeps up. Your prayers are still needed though! As for myself, I'm doing well however I have decided that I need to finish my school (only 2 semesters left) ASAP and I am probably going to quit my job to do this full time. I love alot of the people I work with (not all of them though) and I would be sad to leave them, however I know I will still be friends with the important ones like my BFF Carly Bain. I am just tired of the repetition of the job. It's not me and it's not what I wanna do forever.
Anyways, this past weekend Mady stayed with her MiMi and Poppa like always and they took her to a car show and they said she was soooo good. We missed church Sunday morning b/c I'm a slacker and forgot to set my alarm so we didn't get Mady back until Sunday afternoon. Chas and I had our date night Saturday night and went and saw the movie Date Night. It was funny but definitely not the best movie I've ever seen. We then went and hung out with a bunch of friends afterwards and just chilled. It was alot of fun. We have the best friends ever! All in all it was a great weekend.
So yea this post wasn't about anything important...except Mady of course! But I just had to fill in everyone on our lives. I'll try to do better about posting but no promises! lol
Have a good day! :)
Awww! I love it!! Congrats on school! I'm thinking about going back but my husband thinks I'm nuts. hahaha Education isn't looking good right now though! Way to go Mady! She'll be into everything before long!