Hahaha...yes I finally started back to school this past week and I've made it through one whole week. This has been one crazy week and now I have lots more to go until the semester is over. I take 4 classes, 1 of which has a lab. I love ALL of my teachers this semester and couldn't be happier with them. I think it's going to be a great semester! My Basic Patient Care class just might be my favorite though b/c it is very hands on. The teacher is really cool and we will learn how to do all kinds of interesting things this semester including (but not limited to) hand washing, feeding a patient, bathing a patient, transferring a patient, etc etc. The only bad thing about the semester is not seeing Mady as much. I've noticed I miss her more and more with every class but I'm doing all of this so I can give her the life she deserves. I know I just have to keep pushing until December. Also, come December, I will be graduated with a PreHealth Certificate which is exciting but then I will start Radiology. I hope to specialize in Ultrasounds. I would love to work with pregnant women to show them their growing child inside and be able to tell them the sex and all. Anyways, enough about me and school...I know it's boring...
So Mady is doing GREAT! She is growing like crazy and looking more and more like a toddler instead of a baby everyday. She is sooooo smart that sometimes it really amazes me the things she knows and understands. She still talks 24/7 and putting some words together. She loves her baby dolls and recently taken up Dress-Up. I think she gets this from her friend Isabella who is 3 and loves dress-up. Mady looks so darn cute trying to put on clothes and shoes and jewelry and anything else she can get her hands on. Mady is really a good baby and God couldn't have blessed us more. She sleeps every night from about 8pm til anywhere from 8:30-9:30am....yes we have a sleeper on our hands and I LOVE it! She hates (and I mean HATES) to get up early. She still takes atleast one 2-3 hour nap during the day and sometimes takes another shorter one. She is very laid back and while she may get mad or frustrated with something, it only lasts a second and she is over it and on to something else. She loves dogs and cats and isn't afraid of much of anything. She will be 18 months on the 10th of September and we will go to the doctor then for a well child visit :) and shots :( I will update you all then on how big (well "little" should I say) she is then....
Sorry I have no pictures for this blog but I forgot my camera and I'm on my new laptop my Daddy got for me which doesn't have any pictures loaded yet! I'll get them soon!
Have a great weekend everyone! :)
Madyson Taylor Dixon

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Almost time for School!
Yep you got that right, I am going back to school this year and I am sooooo excited! School officially starts on Monday August 23rd....a little over a week away!! I am going to get books next week! Amidst all this excitement though is a little bit of sadness and alot of nervousness! I am nervous about going back and doing homework and taking tests and all those things that come with school b/c this time I have a family. Also I'm really sad to be cutting my time with Mady. I will be attending school in the morning and in the evening FULL time plus continuing to work. So basically I'm not gonna get to see Mady much during the week but she is still young that she won't remember it years from now. Plus I'm doing this for her so that I can make sure I can give her the best possible life. This is all going to be worth it in the end.
Anyways, the past month has been pretty uneventful. Mady is growing like crazy and this week she turned 17 months! The time is flying by and my baby girl is turning into a little lady right before my eyes. She never ceases to amaze me with how me she knows and is learning. Being a mommy is definitely the greatest reward in life. Well gotta cut this blog short b/c it's almost time to head home.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Anyways, the past month has been pretty uneventful. Mady is growing like crazy and this week she turned 17 months! The time is flying by and my baby girl is turning into a little lady right before my eyes. She never ceases to amaze me with how me she knows and is learning. Being a mommy is definitely the greatest reward in life. Well gotta cut this blog short b/c it's almost time to head home.
Have a good weekend everyone!
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