Madyson Taylor Dixon

Madyson Taylor Dixon

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

15 more days...YIKES!

It's so hard for me to believe that in 15 short more days, our sweet princess will be 1! This past year has been the most amazing experience in my life and I know it will do nothing but get better each day. Even though we weren't ready for a baby, God helped us get ready and gave us our "Love Child" at a time when we least expected it. Madyson Taylor Dixon was born and immediately our lives changed. I knew then that I had to get my life in order with God so that I could be a good mommy and role model to my angel. I thank God everyday for not giving up on me. I also can't thank Him enough for giving us such a happy and healthy baby girl. Mady has excelled so much since she was born and continues to learn new things everyday. She has always been a good baby and loves to sleep and EAT (we swear she has no stopping point!!)! She has grown like a weed and continues to be right on average at each of her doctor's visits. Mady loves to get into everything. She has a nitro-speed when it comes to crawling and she is so close to walking its unbelievable. She pulls up on everything and walks all over the place as long as she is holding on. She hasn't quite gotten the courage to let go and try for that first step! However we aren't totally rushing it either! HaHa!

Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone in on a brief glimpse of the past year of Mady's (and our) life! Please keep us in your prayers right now though because Mady has a virus called Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in her mouth and has her in alot of pain. So needless to say that pain means no sleep for her which means no sleep for us! She's a trooper though and I know she will fight through it!

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