Madyson Taylor Dixon

Madyson Taylor Dixon

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sick, Sick Baby

Ahh...I'm tired. I'm VERRRYYY tired. Mady is still fighting this virus/infection she has in her mouth. It's so sad because you can just look at her and tell she is hurting and there is nothing we can really do for her except continue to give her the medicine which she HATES! She won't stay asleep longer than like 20 or 30 minutes. We tried last night putting her in the bed with us (which we NEVER do) and she slept better but managed to push me out the bed. I don't know how someone who weighs all of 20 lbs takes up so much room but she is one WILD sleeper. Chas says she gets that from me but I think he's crazy...I sleep like a little angel :)

On another note, we are still in FULL Birthday Party Planning Mode! It's so exciting to be planning my daughter a birthday party but man I didn't realize just how much goes into these things! One thing I am glad about is that we chose NOT to have the party at our house! We have too many people coming and I would have a hay-day trying to get everything clean b/c I'm kinda OCD like that! I'm just really hoping Mady is back to normal and feeling better by the time her party gets here next weekend!

Today is just one of those days I didn't have anything imparticular to write about...just writing. We are dead slow at work again today. It's pay day which I look forward to but all that's gone to pay bills! Why can't life be easy again? I'm tired of paying bills. I wanna go back to being a kid with the only worries in life revolved around which barbie I was going to play with next! hehe. Oh well, such is life!

Guess I should get off here and do some work (to pay some bills!) but remember this today:
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" Phil 4:13


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