...well sort of. haha. So I'm off work til the end of next week and since we are broke and can't afford to go anywhere, we were just gonna stay home and get stuff done around the house. Yea, well we haven't been home in a week! LoL We have been staying at my parents' house all week since we got back from Charleston. It's kinda nice b/c we have nothing we have to do except watch baseball earlier in the week (GO COCKS!!! 2010 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!) and Daddy has been home so he's been cooking. Anyone who knows us, knows my daddy can COOK! We've had fish and shrimp and spaghetti and corn and squash and zucchini and soooo much more but tonight, we had RIBS! They were fantastic (even though mine are made with no bbq sauce b/c I don't like it and my daddy spoils me) but this little one right here LOVED the ribs:
(and yes, it was the ribs with bbq sauce on them)

What can I say...She gets to do whatever she wants at NaNa & PaPa's house! Because Lord knows, this mess would have drove me crazy at my own house! haha! Anyways, Mady goes for her 15 month appointment tomorrow finally even though she is know almost 16 months but I'll try to post some current stats on her tomorrow! Hope everyone has a great night!!
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