So, Cuties for Cuties is a boutique on facebook of all kinds of homemade clothes and what not for kids! Anyways, they are doing a GiVeAwAy for 5 applique shirts for 5 different holidays: Easter, 4th of July, Halloween/Thanksgiving, Christmas and Birthday!! Who doesn't like cute personalized shirts on their little one??!! Anyways, go check out their page, "Like" it, and read up on the giveaway!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the stuff she has posted and I know I am definitely ordering stuff even if I don't wint he giveaway!! :)
Madyson Taylor Dixon

Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Mady's 1st Haircut!
Ok I dont know what the deal is and where all my pictures are BUT here are some...Mady had her first haircut today and she was absolutely perfect! She behaved so well that I was almost in shock! I couldn't even cry because she was so good! Felicia (the girl that does my hair) and Carly talked me into this and I can honestly say I am so glad they did! Mady's hair looks so cute in a little bob now and looks sooo much thicker already! They keep saying it will grow back so much faster so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping they are right. I want Mady to have LONG hair! ((with NOOOO bangs)) LoL But seriously, it does look cute and I can't believe how much baby is growing. She is such a sweet and beautiful little girl! :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sad Day for Many...
Tonight, I don't really have much to say. Last night, I went out with some great friends and had a fantastic night. I came home, played on the computer a little while, and then headed to bed after midnight. Little did I know that when I woke up this morning, I would be hit with some awful news. Amanda Peake and her 2 beautiful kids Cameron (9) and Sarah (6) were violently murdered in their home last night. This is a sick, sick crime from a sick, sick man. I don't understand how anyone can do this, especially to kids. I have had an extremely heavy heart today and I know I will for many days to come. However, I am remembering to count my own blessings. Even when Mady was whining or crying or arguing with me tonight, I had to smile inside and out knowing that I still HAVE my baby. I had to squeeze her a little harder when hugging her and I didn't want to let her go when I put her to bed.
At this point, I ask that you pray. Pray for all the families involved and even more, PRAY FOR OUR WORLD. We need it. RIP Amanda, Cameron, & Sarah!
At this point, I ask that you pray. Pray for all the families involved and even more, PRAY FOR OUR WORLD. We need it. RIP Amanda, Cameron, & Sarah!

Friday, March 11, 2011
However you say it, it all means the same thing. Our sweet little princess is officially 2 now. Her birthday was yesterday (3/10) but I am just now getting the chance to write this! It absolutely blows my mind that my baby girl is now 2 and she is not a "baby" anymore. She is definitely a toddler. A strong willed, caring, hot tempered, loving little toddler! She is still the light of my life as her mommy and I can't thank God enough for giving her to me! How did we get so lucky?!
Anyways, we had her party last weekend so yesterday was just a chill day for the most part. We did, however, have to go to the doctor for her well visit and she is as perfectly healthy as they come. She was 50% for height and head and 80% for weight! She has FINALLY caught up to "average". She has never before been "average". She has always been below and never made it above like 40% in anything. And by the way, I say "average" because to me she isn't average...she is ONE-IN-A-BAZILLION!!!
Now for what she is up to these days:
*She is still a sleeper and does NOT like mornings. She sleeps from about 8:15pm til 9 or 9:30am...but isn't truly ready for the day until about 10 or so!
*She definitely still has her night time routine and we just don't mess with that!
*She obviously walks everywhere and runs, skips, kicks balls, and "limbos" (more on that later)
*She does still have her paci but she is pretty good about only using it at night time and nap time.
*She loves the potty and is very ready to be potty trained but we are just trying to grasp the concept of letting us know BEFORE she has to pee...not after!
*She TALKS TALKS TALKS TALKS! She really never shuts up to put it nicely! LoL She is quite the mockingbird these days and will mimic anything you say. She will also hold a conversation with you and even tall you what's wrong or if something is hurt. She even loves to talk on the phone.
*She loves to sing and dance...RockABye Baby is her favorite :)
*She is extremely stubborn and head strong and is definitely set in her ways. She knows what she wants and will fight to get it! This is where me and her bump heads but I know that in the future this determination will pay off and she will go far in life!
*She is a complete princess and loves to be the center of attention! She loves shoes, clothes, purses, necklaces, and anything else girly you can think of!
*She might also have one of the most tender hearts of anyone I have ever known. She loves babies and is very nurturing. She also loves to give everyone hugs and kisses when saying bye. She also doesn't like to see ANYONE or grown up!
*She is VERY spoiled and has a couple people ((aka Mimi or PaPa)) wrapped around her little fingers!
I know I have so much more I could say about her but I would probably never end this post. I could talk about her all night. This has been a great week off with her and once again, I can't thank God enough for this precious little girl I have.
Mady, Mommy and Daddy love you more than life itself! <3 Happy Birthday again!!
Anyways, we had her party last weekend so yesterday was just a chill day for the most part. We did, however, have to go to the doctor for her well visit and she is as perfectly healthy as they come. She was 50% for height and head and 80% for weight! She has FINALLY caught up to "average". She has never before been "average". She has always been below and never made it above like 40% in anything. And by the way, I say "average" because to me she isn't average...she is ONE-IN-A-BAZILLION!!!
Now for what she is up to these days:
*She is still a sleeper and does NOT like mornings. She sleeps from about 8:15pm til 9 or 9:30am...but isn't truly ready for the day until about 10 or so!
*She definitely still has her night time routine and we just don't mess with that!
*She obviously walks everywhere and runs, skips, kicks balls, and "limbos" (more on that later)
*She does still have her paci but she is pretty good about only using it at night time and nap time.
*She loves the potty and is very ready to be potty trained but we are just trying to grasp the concept of letting us know BEFORE she has to pee...not after!
*She TALKS TALKS TALKS TALKS! She really never shuts up to put it nicely! LoL She is quite the mockingbird these days and will mimic anything you say. She will also hold a conversation with you and even tall you what's wrong or if something is hurt. She even loves to talk on the phone.
*She loves to sing and dance...RockABye Baby is her favorite :)
*She is extremely stubborn and head strong and is definitely set in her ways. She knows what she wants and will fight to get it! This is where me and her bump heads but I know that in the future this determination will pay off and she will go far in life!
*She is a complete princess and loves to be the center of attention! She loves shoes, clothes, purses, necklaces, and anything else girly you can think of!
*She might also have one of the most tender hearts of anyone I have ever known. She loves babies and is very nurturing. She also loves to give everyone hugs and kisses when saying bye. She also doesn't like to see ANYONE or grown up!
*She is VERY spoiled and has a couple people ((aka Mimi or PaPa)) wrapped around her little fingers!
I know I have so much more I could say about her but I would probably never end this post. I could talk about her all night. This has been a great week off with her and once again, I can't thank God enough for this precious little girl I have.
Mady, Mommy and Daddy love you more than life itself! <3 Happy Birthday again!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Mady's 2nd Birthday Party
Here are few pictures from Mady's party yesterday! She really loved all the attention and presents and hugs and kisses and so on! Like I said before, she is one blessed little girl who is loved by sooo many people its crazy! We want to thank every one of you again for being in Mady's life and loving her like we do! Also, thank you to every one who came out for her birthday party and the dinner afterwards.
For the record, Jordin Clamp made her outfit and Lisa Kimsey made her bow! These are 2 dear friends of mine and are simply AMAZING at what they do! If you would like to have either of them make you something special, let me know and I will get you in contact with them.
Anyways, Thursday is Mady's real birthday and she has her well-check that same day so I will update that night with all her current stats and what-not! Have a good evening everyone!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Party Day
So today we had Mady's 2nd birthday party and let me just say...While it was a great time and I loved being with all our friends and family, I am GLAD it is OVER!! I stress too much over those kinds of things. So anyways, I will post pictures later once I find my camera! Mady got sooo much stuff it's crazy! She is definitely spoiled, I mean BLESSED! LoL...No really, it was a great day and she got a TON of clothes and stuff for summer. This girl is set! I think she really enjoyed her party but she sure wore herself out! She was melting down by the end of dinner tonight! Anyways, her actual birthday is coming up on Thursday and she will have her appointment that day so we can find out her stats! I just dread her getting shots on her birthday :'( **tear** I'm still just having such a hard time with the fact that my BABY will be 2! I tell ya tho, she is SMART as a whip! She never ceases to amaze every single day. She knows so much and is continuing to learn new things all the time! She is also so loving and sweet but at the same time, oh-so hard headed and stubborn. I can say that she is definitely my child and acts just like me! But hey, thats ok, I turned out fine.....right??!! Ok moving on...well I don't want to bore anyone with a long post with no pictures so I guess I'll stop here but I will try to post all the pics from the party this week while I am on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!! ;)
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