Madyson Taylor Dixon

Madyson Taylor Dixon

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today is Mady's 1st birthday and we couldn't be more excited! I took the day off work to spend time with Chas and our sweet little princess for her birthday. It's been such a great day despite the nasty rain! We took her for her 1 year check up at the doctor and apparently we have a "petite" princess on our hands. She was only 28in long and weighed 20lbs and 7oz which is only in like to 30-40%. I have no clue how she is so small because she eats ALL the time. Seriously, there is no stopping point with her eating. She would eat all day if she had food in front of her. LOL I guess she is just gonna be little but that's ok b/c I know she has a big heart. After the check up, we went and visited Aunt Carly and everyone else at the credit union. Of course she had shots so she wasn't in the greatest mood but she was good. We had lunch at Copper River and then took Mady to Toys R Us to get her something for her birthday. We ended up with a Barbie Blackberry and some books. She seriously LOVES books and since she's a diva we had to get the blackberry since she loves playing with ours. We are having dinner tonight at my parents' house since they want to spend time with Mady for her birthday!

I'm still having a hard time believing that it has been a whole year. At this time last year, I was trying my hardest to get her out! At about 4 something that day it was decided that I needed a c-section b/c Mady's heart rate was dropping too low with each contraction. So at 6:43pm Dr. Mullins delivered her and she was taken into the nursery with a slew of "paparazzi" waiting on her! We have been so blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy and now a healthy first year of life. Mady is growing everyday and learning new things by the second it seems. Thank you to all of our family and friends who have done so much for us and especially Mady during the past year.


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