Madyson Taylor Dixon

Madyson Taylor Dixon

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A New Generation

I got a new devotional book yesterday and this morning the devotional was about A New Generation.

"After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nore what he had done for Israel." - Judges 2:10

This is what will happen if we don't raise our kids to worship the Lord our God. There are so many parents out there raising kids to sing the same songs and play the same games that they played when they were growing up but they aren't taking there kids to church and teaching them about Jesus who died on a cross for our sins. There is so many scary things out there in this world and I guess many people feel it's not "polically correct" to pray in public or that they will offend someone or whatever the case may be. But do we really want our kids growing up fearing so many things and not feeling true love and fullfilment? I know I personally don't. I want Mady to grow up knowing there is a God that loves her so much that he gave his one son to die on a cross for her. I want her to fully love God and walk with Him everyday. I also feel it is my job as a parent to show this to her. I also want her to grow up knowing her body is a temple and she needs to keep it sacred. She will grow up knowing what a real marriage is b/c her daddy and I role model it for her. She is going to know how a man should treat a woman and how the woman is supposed to worshipfully sacrifice herself.

I decided to read some other scripture about this same topic including:

"That you may reverently fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son's son, and keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged." - Deuteronomy 6:2

"Children's children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their fathers." - Proverbs 17:6

All of this really hits home to me b/c it was when I gave birth to Mady that I realized that I needed to change my life and devote myself to God first so that I could raise my daughter in a healthy home. Chas and I have a wonderful relationship and just get closer and closer everyday. I am so glad that we got our lives right with God so that Mady could grow up in a worshipful house. I feel so sorry for kids who grow up in dysfunctional families. I even know some personally and it's just sad that their parents fight all the time and aren't married and don't live together. I just pray everyday for them and for the parents in hopes that they can learn more about God and learn what true love is.

Well Kellye and Carly say I'm writing a novel so I guess I will stop now. Remember to tell your kids today that you love them and God loves them


  1. I agree! Major events ( births, deaths, etc.) can really put into perspective how much you need God and helps you to seek a better relationship with Him. Brendan and I want to raise our children in church as well.

  2. Very well said Deana...God definitely needs to be there every day in your life and not just on Sundays.
