18 months...18 months...I keep saying it over and over and still can't believe our "baby" girl really isn't a "baby" anymore and she's a t...tod...toddler! ((ok let me be for a minute))
Ok....so now that I've gained myself back, yes our sweet girl is now pushing towards 2. I can't believe it. She is getting so big it absolutely amazes me. I guess I don't notice how much she grows because I see her everyday but today we went to the doctor for her 18 month well check up. She was exactly 25 lbs (50%) and 32 in (80%). I think the nurse was little off on her height because she did try to measure her twice and got 2 different numbers each time. Either way, it's a huge jump in the height because she has never been more than 50% in height. She's a petite little princess.
So anyway...guess what...for 18 months, here's 18 facts about Miss Priss herself:
1. She walks everywhere and is now running.
2. She is obsessed with shoes. She loves her crocs the most because she can actually put those on all by herself.
3. She has pee-peed in the potty a few times already. She likes the walk into the bathroom, take her diaper off, and wait for someone to put her on the potty. lol
4. She now says MaMa, DaDa, NaNa, PaPa, MiMi, Poppa, Ball, Baby, Cheese, Tree, Mady, Hey, Bye, Nite Nite, No No, and several more than I'm sure I'm forgetting.
5. She is extremely smart and listens to simple commands like "Go get your cup" or "Where's your paci?"
6. She is in a size 4 diaper still and I think will be until she IS 4...ok not really b/c she will be potty trained soon.
7. She loves to ride in the car...now-a-days she doesn't wanna get OUT of her car seat when we arrive home.
8. She still loves to be outside and it's a throwdown to get her inside.
9. She is a mama's girl right now but she definitely has her "dada" moments.
10. She is a camera ham. She loves to have her picture taken and says cheese usually before you can even turn the camera on.
11. She is still sleeping from about 8:30 at night until 9 or so in the morning. (yesssss) :)
12. She loves her baby dolls and will rock them, pat them, feed them, etc.
13. She will go and get a diaper when she needs to be changed and generally lay down on the floor. (I say "generally" b/c at times she likes to just play with her diaper)
14. She still wears alot of 12 month clothes but is now starting to push more towards actually wearing 18 months.
15. She wears probably a 4 in shoes and that's ONLY because her feet are fat...not long. lol
16. She is still obsessed with her MiMi and probably always be. MiMi is #1 in her book if she's around. She will throw out when MiMi leaves.
17. She likes to hum twinkle twinkle little star before she goes to sleep at night.
18. She is still a diva and a complete princess and she knows she is the
CUTEST thing to ever walk this earth!! :)
Yea, I'm a completely proud mama and the doctor said she is doing absolutely wonderful. She still stays home with Chas most days. We might start thinking about finding a "school" for her to go to a couple days a week but we will see.
And just because this was too long to not have pictures...

Miss Priss? I think so...

By the way, the previous 2 dresses were made by a long time friend of mine, Jordin Clamp (E-squared Creations). She does amazing work. She makes things for little girls AND little boys. You should totally check her out on Facebook. ((I was trying to post the link to her page but my computer isn't allowing me to right now...oh well!))
Anyway, I hope you all have a great week and say a prayer for us and our car situation.